CEWES Wedding Photography Competition - Terms & Conditions
"The world is waiting to share your unique visual experiences!"
Welcome to the VI. Central European Wedding Show (CEWES) Wedding Photography Competition 2022.
We have been wanting to establish an independent wedding photography competition for years now, where the quality and authenticity of the competition is guaranteed by internationally recognised judges.
We would like to invite you to participate. Please share with us the way You see the "World of Weddings".
Our aim with this competition was
to establish a highly respected professional award
to bring together European wedding photographers
to create an opportunity for the wider audience to familiarize themselves with the wedding photography scene, and so they can appreciate the wide range of wedding photographers more
The competition is open to anyone: we welcome amateur as well as professional wedding photographers to submit their work.
Photographs selected into the final will be displayed at the Central European Wedding Show 2020, where we expect 6-8000 guests who are in preparations for their big day to attend. The Award Ceremony will play an important role within the Exhibition programme.
The world is waiting to share your unique visual experiences – See you at the finals!
Conditions of the entry >Categories of the entry 2020
The first three winners of each category will be rewarded as follows:
First prize: € 150
Second prize : € 100
Third prize : € 50
Prize-winner: The most successful photographer (based on the score given by judges) will get the
CEWES Photographer of the Year 2020 Award with an 1000 EUR photo equipment voucher giving by FOTOPLUS
The first six winners of each category will be displayed at the Central European Wedding Show 2020.
Images will also be uploaded – including captures (photographer name) – to the exhibition’s website and Facebook page after the final announcements.
Win one of the 36 prizes and be the CEWES PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR!
The original idea of establishing a Wedding Photography Competition came from Attila Dégi and his wife Évi. Yervant photographed their wedding in 2012. Attila has been a well-respected photographer for many years www.magisterophotography.com
When Yervant visited Budapest, he held two successful workshops for fellow wedding photographers. The following year, another workshop was organised by Attila with David Beckstead which initiated the series with Jim Garner, Joe Simon, Keda Z. Feng, Jerry Ghionis and Sergey Ivanov. This workshop series helped Attila and Évi to become widely known among international wedding photography professionals.
The Central European Wedding Show (CEWES) and Wedding Exhibition was set up in 2015 and was instantly a huge success. The idea of establishing a photography competition was born in 2017, as five of the above-mentioned international workshop presenters agreed to become judges. There is a great need for a high profile and authentic wedding photo competition in Hungary and Central-Europe, and Central European Wedding Show (CEWES) is delighted to sponsor the contest.
Motto of the competition:
The world is waiting to share your unique visual experiences.
Come and join our amazing competition. Hope to see you among our competitors.
Organizing Company: Miracoloso Event Kft.
Contact person: Attila Degi
E-mail address: attila.degi@miracolosoevent.hu
Mobile: +3630-3391605